¥4,500 税込
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Stones Taro Dwellers Of The Seabed Long Sleeve T-Shirts
Designed By echocatcher
echocatcher is a Shanghai-based graphic designer and
visual artist with a master's degree from the Royal
College of Art in the UK, awarded with the Lane
Crawford Scholarship. Her designs are characterized by her strong intuition on
colour and graphic and keen sense of contemporary
trends, rooted in a deep understanding of brand
identity, with a unique narrative and playful touch. As a music lover, she DJs and organizes music events in
her spare time, and creates custom visuals for clubs, events and her artist friends. Her collaborations span fashion, dining, lifestyle, hospitality, galleries, and art festivals. Master
Visual Communication - Royal College of Art
Visual Communication - Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Body: 5.6オンス ビッグシルエット ロングスリーブ Tシャツ Style No. 5509-01
¥4,500 税込